Rumford, RI
Project Title
Research trip to Texas for adaptation to connect with Texas dance companies; Bless Me, Ultimx
Fiscal Year Awarded
Grant or Program
New England Dance Fund
Grant Amount

Thanks to NEFA’s support, multidisciplinary performance artist, dancer and choreographer, Matt Garza (they/he/she) will conduct a research trip to their ancestral homeland of South Texas, indigenous to the Coalhuiltecan people, aiming to engage with culture bearers, historians, and dance practitioners; and to invest in community-led historic and cultural preservation work, through dance and dance history. Garza’s research consists of training in Indigenous + folkloric dance styles as well as primary source and qualitative methods with archives across South Texas as well as conversations with community organizations like The McNay Contemporary Art Museum, The Mexican-American Civil Rights Institute, The Esperanza Peace + Justice Center, The Corpus Christi Art Museum & The Art Museum of South Texas to develop programming and resources for building creative community that reckons with the past, practices care in the present, and rehearses for a future where we are all free.

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