Creative City Grant Application Questions

Below are the narrative questions for the September 2017 Creative City application.

  1. Describe the project you are proposing. What will success look like? Please provide a detailed work plan and timeline for the proposed project grant year. (3,600 character limit)
  2. What is your artistic vision for this project? How does this project relate to your general artistic practice? How might this project strengthen your artistic work and practice? (2,000 character limit)
  3. In addition to grant funding, Creative City Grant Recipients will be a part of a learning cohort for the duration of the grant year.  For more information about the learning cohort, see the Grant Requirements section on the Grant Page.   As the lead artist, please explain why you are interested in being part of a learning cohort at this time.   What are you hoping to learn/gain from being a part of a learning cohort? What expertise are you bringing to the cohort? (2,000 character limit)
  4. Describe the proposed site(s) where your project will be presented or installed. What is your relationship with the site(s) for this project? Is the project increasing access to the arts at this site, and if so, how? (2,000 character limit)
  5. What are your plans for engaging community members and encouraging public participation in the artistic process and/or presentation of this project? How do you hope to see the public interact with your project? (2,000 character limit)
  6. Tell us about your proposed community partner(s) and how they will assist with the implementation, artistic process, and/or presentation of this project. Why is this partner(s) a good fit for your project? (2,000 character limit)
  7. Tell us about your capacity to carry out this project. What kind of support do you currently have and what kind of support will you need to realize this project? (2,000 character limit)

In addition to answering narrative questions you will need:

  • An anticipated budget for the proposed project
  • A letter of support from your primary community partner for the project
  • Artist work samples (at least 1 image; additional images, video or writing samples may be included)
  • Lead artist’s resume
  • At least one proposed location for where this work will be sited
  • W-9 Form (completed and signed by designated payee organization/fiscal sponsor if applicable)

Further details regarding these application requirements can be found in the online application portal.  Please take the time to log into the portal, and carefully review the application and familiarize yourself with the required fields.  If you have any questions, please email

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