South Paris, ME
Project Title
Fiscal Year Awarded
Grant or Program
New England States Touring (NEST) Grant
Grant Amount

This summer, Celebration Barn will present Piti Theatre's “To Bee or Not to Be.” Informed by research about honeybees and the role that pollinators play in our ecosystems, the show tells the story of Farmer James and his honeybees by combining puppetry, clowning, dance, music, and lots of audience participation. Piti created the show to raise awareness about the plight of pollinators and to give children and adults tools to help honeybees thrive in our shared ecosystems. In tandem with the performance, Piti will lead a workshop for children, ages six to eleven, which will teach them about honeybees, basic theater skills, and prepare them up to perform as part of the show. In addition, Piti will take part in a hive demonstration with beekeepers at a local farmers’ market, where potential audience members can see honeybees in action.

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