Bath, ME
Project Title
Fiscal Year Awarded
Grant or Program
New England States Touring (NEST) Grant
Grant Amount

The Chocolate Church Arts Center will present Tim Eriksen and Omar Sosa’s acclaimed, multi-year collaborative project, Across the Great Divide, for three days in the rural, coastal town of Bath, Maine. The work, born from the encounter of two folkloric musicians, a Cuban pianist and a New England multi-instrumentalist specializing in native and adopted American musics, luminously traces musical and spiritual connections between seemingly disparate worlds. Over the course of their multi-day tour, Tim and Omar will present their acclaimed live, music performance as well as free, community wide engagement: community group singing, lecture/ demonstrations, sharing stories and food with the artists, and an artistic offering set in the natural world. This tour culminates a multi-site tour and collaboration between the Chocolate Church and the Bombyx Center for Arts & Equity in western Massachusetts.

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