Portland, ME
Project Title
Fiscal Year Awarded
Grant or Program
New England States Touring (NEST) Grant
Grant Amount

Portland Bach Experience (PBE), a program of Classical Uprising, is an annual festival that challenges preconceived notions about classical music through events, concerts, and educational programs that nurture individual growth and feed our hunger for connection.

This June, Eudaimonia, a period-instrument ensemble that uses its musical work to uplift social and humanitarian causes, will present “Harmonizing Two Worlds” featuring the music of Salomone Rossi (1570 – 1630), including his seminal publication “Songs of Solomon.” Rossi existed in two spheres—Italian and Jewish—and wrote "Songs of Solomon" to bridge the divide between the two. Through a series of community partner events, PBE will explore how music was used to create understanding and appreciation between cultures during the Italian Renaissance. Programming includes seminars with Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, exhibits with Osher Map Library, and concerts at Etz Chaim and The Cedars.

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