Miami, FL
Project Title
Yankee Bajan
Fiscal Year Awarded
Grant or Program
National Theater Project Presentation Grant
Grant Amount

Fed up with the continuing violence and racism in America, Hugh and Keryl, a Black couple with two teenage children, decide to leave the country. Spurred on by the presidential election of 2016, they begin to make plans to move to Hugh's ancestral home, the island of Barbados. The family's search for a place where there is a Black majority, Black leadership, and Black Power has been ongoing, taking them to and through Atlanta, Georgia, where the dangers of the day become apparent to Xavian, their son, as he joins the protests of the "Black Lives Matter" Movement after he is the victim of a racially motivated attack. The family makes the move in the middle of a pandemic and a pending second term of Donald Trump. Will they be able to embrace the expatriate life? Will the children successfully meet the challenge of coming of age as Bajans? Will their "Yankee" culture have a negative impact on friends and family? Will they fight or fly to the next potential homeplace in England or Canada?

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