Hopkinton, MA
Project Title
Fiscal Year Awarded
Grant or Program
New England States Touring (NEST) Grant
Grant Amount

The HCA would like to present Piti Theatre's "To Bee or Not to Be" this summer. Inspired by research about honeybees and their important role in the food supply, "To Bee" tells Farmer James' comic, tragic and ultimately hopeful story. Complete with puppetry, clowning, dance, live music and lots of audience participation. Piti created the show to raise awareness about the honeybee's plight and give children and adults tools for helping pollinators thrive in their communities. Piti Theatre will workshop with some of our summer theatre campers ages 4-8 and they will be in a group number in the show. The performance will be open to the public and will include a community engagement piece to discuss the honeybee crisis.

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