Newburyport, MA
Project Title
Merrimack Mishoon Project
Fiscal Year Awarded
Grant or Program
Public Art for Spatial Justice
Grant Amount

The Merrimack Mishoon Project is a collaborative initiative aimed at reviving traditional Indigenous practice of making mishoons (dugout canoes). Spearheaded by master mishoon makers Darius Coombs (Mashpee Wampanoag) and Jonathan James-Perry (Aquinnah Wampanoag), the project also involves partner organizations Imagine Studios, The Custom House Maritime Museum and Lowell’s Boat Shop. This project seeks to honor Indigenous maritime traditions engaging Indigenous apprentices in the process. The project includes public demonstrations on the Merrimack River at Newburyport's Waterfront Park, The Custom House Maritime Museum and Lowell's Boat Shop, culminating in a ceremonial launch and paddle on the Merrimack River. This initiative not only preserves cultural craftsmanship but also educates and engages the community in Indigenous maritime history. 


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