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“Somerville Quipus: Stories from Padres Latinos” seeks to amplify the stories and experiences of the Latino immigrant community within the broader context of Somerville’s evolving cultural landscape. By integrating traditional Indigenous knowledge, interactive workshops, a public art installation, and a celebratory festival, the project will create lasting connections between Latino immigrants, residents, and the broader Somerville community. The first workshop will explore indigenous gardening practices. The second workshop will introduce ancient Inca quipu weaving, using recycled materials to create a community-based public art installation that represents the shared stories of Padres Latinos. The project will culminate with Fiesta Junina, a Brazilian harvest festival at the Growing Center, featuring art, dance, food, and the unveiling of the quipu installation, fostering cultural pride and connections between immigrant communities.
For more information visit: Instagram: @laidy
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