Brookline, MA
Project Title
Fiscal Year Awarded
Grant or Program
New England States Touring (NEST) Grant
Grant Amount

Puppet Showplace will present three works by Puzzle Theatre in a festive weekend of Puzzle's works for adults and children, right before the Thanksgiving holiday. Each of the three works animates a single material — Jetable/Disposable is made entirely of tissues, Plastique/Plastic of re-used plastics, and Bois/Wood of found pieces of natural wood. The deep dive into materiality and object manipulation, combined with masterful puppeteering, offers a treat that is sure to inspire as we lead into our holiday season, and we are eager to invite audience members to witness not just one, but all three works over the course of the weekend.

We previously had the pleasure of presenting one of Puzzle Theatre’s works for adults in our 2017/2018 season, which played to packed houses. This time around, we are thrilled to be able to offer their works for family audiences as well.

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