Amherst, MA
Project Title
Fiscal Year Awarded
Grant or Program
New England States Touring (NEST) Grant
Grant Amount

The Fine Arts Center will host seminal American dance company, Complexions Contemporary Ballet, on April 17, 2025 in a school matinee and public performance on our main stage, in a program built around the group’s acclaimed social justice ballet, “WOKE”. We are also planning two free outreach activities: an in-person artist conversation with the founding directors, Dwight Rhoden and Desmond Richardson, and a company master class for Five Colleges students.

We chose Complexions, a pioneer in racial, gender, and physical diversity in Western classical dance, as a capstone event to our 24-25 season of “Communion”. This yearlong theme is designed to repeatedly model community for students, faculty, staff, and the general public during a highly tense historical moment in US society.

We are also proud to share in the efforts of our NEST 3 co-applicants, Portland Ovations, Flynn Center for the Arts, and Global Arts Live, in celebrating the groundbreaking company’s 30th anniversary.

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