Co-create NEFA's Strategic Plan With Us

National Theater Project-supported Kinetic Light | photo by Grace Kathryn Landefeld


Harold is a Black man. He wears a white cap with "Art" in place of the word "Marlboro" in a Marlboro cigarette logo.
Executive Director

Dear Colleagues,

On behalf of NEFA’s board and staff, I’m thrilled to kick off our strategic planning by inviting you to share your thoughts and insights about what we might consider as we explore ways to make our work more relevant, engaging, and impactful.

NEFA believes that successful and solution-driven cultural development is driven by an assessment of organizational readiness, the development and implementation of quality plans, and ongoing stakeholder investments. Therefore, we anticipate and prepare for the inevitability of change and create and integrate realistic comprehensive plans across all organizational functions. We also engage in meaningful relationships with individuals, collectives, and organizations who, in turn, invest thought partnership, participation, and other vital resources into the organization in service of our mission. 

All that you touch you change. All that you change changes you. The only lasting truth is change.

Octavia E. Butler

Additionally, as members of the Design Justice Network, we operate out of their principles of Design Justice, which “rethinks design processes, centers people who are normally marginalized by design, and uses collaborative, creative practices to address the deepest challenges our communities face.”

Our last strategic plan, created in 2018, was  grounded in the conviction that arts and culture are integral to strong and equitable communities. Since then, we know that artists, arts organization, and cultural workers have had to respond significant changes in our society and field. And, the work and livelihood of artist, arts institution, and cultural practitioners in New England, our nation, and abroad requires Regional Arts Organizations, arts intermediaries, and service organizations such as NEFA to understand the evolving needs of our field. 

Therefore, we have created this short survey in hopes that you will co-create a new strategic plan with us! 

Thank you in advance for your thoughts and your time,


NEFA Strategic Planning Survey: respond by February 8, 2024
