Happy 3rd Birthday, CreativeGround!

Dee has shoulder length, curly, blond hair. She wears glasses and baby blue. She's a white woman.
Senior Program Director, Creative Economy

What creativeground has been been up to...

We've added new users and welcomed many new types of businesses and institutions to the New England creative economy:

  • Nearly 60,000 visitors to the site and over 2,250 hours of use in the past year.
  • Over 670 new profile creations and 225 existing profiles claimed by users.
  • Eleven new ways to classify your creative work, including an institution business type for Makerspaces and LGBTQ communities under populations served.
  • An enhanced advanced search that allows users to search for profiles by both primary and additional disciplines at once.

We visited all six New England states last year, working closely with you, our users, gave us inspiration for ways to continue improving the site:

  • 12 office hours and workshops allowed us to get up close and personal with your needs.
  • Three webinars hosted, including ones for teaching artists, organizations and creative businesses, and better visibility in search results for everyone.
  • Exhibited or presented at 17 events including New England Library Association Conference and New England Museum Association Conference.
  • Distributed thousands of postcards across New England to match unmanaged profiles with their rightful owners.

We supported the NEFA Creatives Count survey of creative workers whose needs and activities will now be incorporated into an upcoming research study:

  • Over 1,200 people responded to NEFA's Creatives Count survey.
  • Over 300 new profiles are being added to CreativeGround as a result!
CreativeGround launch party in 2013, by Sancho Maulion.

What's in store...

Year Three was very good to us... but we're even more excited about what's to come in Year Four! We're working on new features and fields, allowing you to share more about your creative enterprise and proudly display the arts communities you belong to. We're also using your feedback to help guide major enhancements of core site functions, making features like our Search and Explore pages even more powerful.

As always, we're planning plenty of travel throughout the year, and this year we hope to reach more of you than ever before. With your help we can bring the team to your community! Reach out to creativeground@nefa.org to get an event started in your locale this spring.

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