
This week, the U.S. Senate appropriations committee will look at spending, including the budget for the National Endowment for the Arts. The House recommended a $5M decrease in NEA funding, while advocates are working towards sustaining the current funding of $150M. Is arts funding important to you and your community? Share your story with your representative; it’s as simple as calling your Senators’ offices and telling them you support full funding of the NEA, and that federal support for the arts is a critical issue for you.

With Sen. Patrick Leahy (VT) serving as vice chair and Senators Susan Collins (ME), Chris Murphy (CT), Jean Shaheen (NH), and Jack Reed (RI), New England is well represented on the Senate committee; their contact information, as well as the contact information for the full committee, can be found here: https://www.appropriations.senate.gov/about/members

For more resources, visit our Advocacy page