Become a NEFA Program Advisor

NEFA's program advisors guide project selection and serve as consultants and ambassadors for the programs. Our panels are comprised of new and established leaders in the field who bring varied perspectives and professional knowledge of their field, aesthetics, and practices to the process. Selection of advisors considers but is not limited to geography, gender, areas of expertise, ability, age, and cultural and racial equity. We recognize that we do not know all the potentially great panelists and advisors in the field. We have created this survey hoping to reach folks that we do not already know to bring together more equitable and inclusive panels.

National Dance Project

NEFA's National Dance Project (NDP) is guided by a rotating group of advisors who are leaders in the dance field, including dance artists, presenters and administrators. NDP advisors serve as the grant review and selection panel for NDP support, and work with applicants as they prepare their final proposals. In addition, NDP advisors serve as a policy council and are ambassadors for the program in their communities. Selection of NDP advisors takes into account geography, gender, cultural and racial equity, and includes new and established leaders in the field.

Time Commitment

In an effort to support programmatic growth and field impact, NDP advisors are invited to serve a three-year term. Advisors should anticipate dedicating a minimum of 75 hours to the overall process, inclusive of reviewing applications, one-one-one consultation, serving as a policy council and ambassador in their respective communities for the program.

Please Note: We recognize that shifts in availability can occur due to unforeseen circumstances and we have a practice of addressing those matters on a case by case basis.

For any additional questions regarding the advisor time commitment, please contact NDP staff.

Learn More About the Program

Complete the Advisor Interest survey

National Theater Project

The National Theater Project (NTP) advisors provide critical guidance to applicants in proposal preparation and tour development. They also guide project selection and serve as consultants and ambassadors for the program. Advisors represent presenters, producing theaters, festivals, and theater artists. Selection of advisors takes into account geography, gender, areas of expertise, cultural and racial equity, and includes new and established leaders in the field. 

Time Commitment

In an effort to support programmatic growth and field impact, NTP advisors are invited to serve a three-year term. Advisors should anticipate dedicating a minimum of 75 hours to the overall process, inclusive of reviewing applications, one-one-one consultation, serving as a policy council and ambassador in their respective communities for the program.

Please Note: We recognize that shifts in availability can occur due to unforeseen circumstances and we have a practice of addressing those matters on a case by case basis.  

For any additional questions regarding the advisor time commitment, please contact NTP staff.

Learn More About the Program

Complete the Advisor Interest survey

New England Creative Economy

At this time, our Creative Economy program department does not have a need for advisors. Historically, we have required panelists to review proposals for professional development workshop sessions, like those at the Creative Communities Exchange (CCX). Let us know that you are interested in participating in that sort of project, by completing the Program Advisor Interest Survey.

Learn more about the Program

Complete the Advisor Interest Survey

New England Presenting & Touring

The New England state arts agencies serve as the review panel for all New England States Touring (NEST) 1 and 2 applications. Applicants are highly encouraged to contact their state arts agency when applying.

NEST 3 applications (which funds tours of presentations by New England nonprofit organizations of regional, national, or international artists that include a minimum of three presenting organizations in different communities; the organizations applying must be from at least two different New England states) are reviewed by panelists from the presenting and touring field with knowledge of the New England arts landscape.

Learn More About the Program

Complete the Advisor Interest survey

Public Art

Creative City Boston program advisors represent artists, arts administrators, independent consultants, and community partners with knowledge and expertise in public art practices and the arts in Boston. Selection of advisors takes into account knowledge, experience and expertise with public art and public art processes in Boston, gender, cultural and racial equity, and includes new and established leaders in the field. 

Program advisors may offer guidance on selection of concept proposal finalists, provide mentorship to finalists as they refine their full project proposal, offer guidance on selection of projects to be funded, and may be available as a resource to artist during their grant year. The advisors who serve as mentors to finalists, and resources to grant recipients, may not always be the same advisors that serve on our selection panels.

Learn More About the Program

Complete the Advisor Interest survey

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