Preview Collective Imagination for Spatial Justice Application Questions

In addition to these narrative questions below, the application will require further details about the Applicant/Team and budget. 

To review the funding criteria and priorities, or start an application in the online portal, please return to the Collective Imagination for Spatial Justice grant page.

  1. Introduce your Collection Imagination Team. Who are the lead collaborators?  And why have you chosen to work together? What has brought your team to this moment of exploration and imagination, and why now? What are your intentions for embarking on an imagination journey together? (2,000-character limit)
  2. How does your team intend to hold space for this imagination work? Please share an example of how your team is building trust and accountability among collaborating team members and within the community. (2,000-character limit)
  3. Tell us about the community and place where your team would like to see, feel and experience more creative, impactful, accountable public artmaking. What does the current public art look, feel, and sound like? And how is public art shaping the public culture of that place (or not)? What is your team’s relationship to this place/community? (3,600-character limit) 
  4. NEFA-facilitated Cohort Gatherings. Please share how your team will prioritize availability to participate in monthly virtual cohort gatherings in 2025. What do you hope to gain from this shared learning space? (2,000 character limit)
  5. Optional: Please share any access needs that will help you to be fully present in a virtual gathering space. This information will not be assessed as part of your application. We will use this feedback to make sure we are prepared to facilitate an inclusive learning space. (2,000 character limit)
  6. Optional: We acknowledge that the people reviewing your application are likely to have gaps in understanding or knowledge about the context for your team. Please share any other information you think would be important to fairly assess your application. In addition to your written response to this question, you may also choose to submit a short video (up to three minutes in total) responding to this question. (3,500 character limit)

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