Chicago, IL
Project Title
Fiscal Year Awarded
Grant or Program
National Theater Project Transition Grant
Grant Amount

Inextricably linked to the pandemic, our NTP funded period marked a pivotal moment for LPP, prompting a reevaluation of our creation model. We seek general operating support to facilitate the reorientation of our artistic and administrative processes, prioritizing sustainability for our family of artists.

Our Embodied Research program, born out of the pandemic, is a perfect example of our artist-first approach. By supporting our ensemble in their individual creative projects, we inherently nurture our collaborative process and intend to continue this program as a platform for incubating new works.

We will also leverage connections made with presenters during tours of Rink Life. This is crucial as we embark on a new full-company project which will benefit from residency and presenting partners. Building upon the vocabularies and methodologies developed during the creation of Rink Life, our next project–still in the early stages of development–involves most of the same artists.

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