Charleston, SC
Project Title
“Yankee Bajan” an original “play with music” written by Linda Parris-Baily and directed by Dahlak Brathwaite
Fiscal Year Awarded
Grant or Program
National Theater Project Presentation Grant
Grant Amount

Two live ticketed performances, one with post-show facilitated audience talk-back
One open dress rehearsal
3-4 recorded and public conversations with members of cast and crew discussing themes of collaboration, legacy, artistic journeys and development
As part of a week-long residency in Charleston, SC, on Friday, September 29, 2023 veteran playwright Linda Parris-Bailey will visit James Simons Public Montessori School to work with a group of 7th and 8th grade filmmakers as part of a mini-lesson collaboration with artist/filmmaker Daniel Green, local grassroots art and culture organizations Yo Art! and TINYisPOWERFUL.
James Simons Public Montessori School (formerly James Simons Elementary School) recently celebrated its 100 year anniversary and was among the first schools in Charleston, SC to desegregate in 1963.

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