Hartford, CT
Project Title
Fiscal Year Awarded
Grant or Program
New England States Touring (NEST) Grant
Grant Amount

Jean Appolon Expressions (JAE) will engage the Trinity College and Greater Hartford communities in the 24-25 academic year. JAE’s 4-day residency will include a dance/music workshop for Trinity College students and a dance masterclass for high school students at the Greater Hartford Academy of the Arts (a regional arts magnet school). The residency will also be contextualized through engagement with Dr. Dasha Chapman, who has written extensively about Appolon’s work and will engage him in a public conversation about his dancemaking, its themes, and its rootedness in Haitian culture and sociopolitical realities. An evening of public performance is tentatively scheduled for February 7, 2025, at Trinity’s Austin Arts Center, with an interactive matinee performance for middle school students from the Hartford Magnet Trinity College Academy (HMTCA).

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