Portland, ME
Project Title
Fiscal Year Awarded
Grant or Program
New England States Touring (NEST) Grant
Grant Amount

NEST funding will support A Glezele Tey Klezmer Trio as Artists-in-Residence at Mayo Street Arts in partnership with The Maine Jewish Museum in Portland, ME. The residency will begin with a concert hosted by Mayo Street Arts. Those who wish to engage more deeply with the artists can join a community workshop at The Maine Jewish Museum in Yiddish song, klezmer instrumental music, and klezmer body percussion—each component accessible to all levels of experience.

A Glezele Tey (“a very little glass of tea” in Yiddish) invites audiences into a warm, intimate, and enthralling performance of klezmer, Yiddish folk song, and tkhines (traditional Ashkenazi prayers centering the experiences of women, trans, and gender non-conforming people, set to new melodies). Rooted in the music of the Eastern European Jewish diaspora, their performances are soulful, spontaneous, and deeply personal.

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