Portland, ME
Project Title
Fiscal Year Awarded
Grant or Program
New England States Touring (NEST) Grant
Grant Amount

“rOng” is Janoah Bailin's (ze/zir) latest full-length family circus show. Performed in the round, the show is radically interactive—ze trusts and invites audience members of all ages to read stories, participate in tricks, and answer questions that are integral to the act.

Through humor, play and wonder, “rOng” explores “rings” in their myriad forms: juggling rings and other circus circles ... spiraling dance ... jewelry and its accompanying stories ... ringing sounds ... the ethos and values of a ring, such as unity, wholeness, etc. “rOng” models the circle process in restorative justice, checking in with the audience at the beginning, and out with the audience at the end, ultimately asking:

“How can a circle center the audience as the focus of performance?”

MSA will present the performances in nearby Kennedy Park for families residing in our neighborhood and at The Cedars retirement community for their residents and loved ones.

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