Becket, MA
Project Title
Fiscal Year Awarded
Grant or Program
National Dance Project Presentation Grant
Grant Amount

Jacob’s Pillow will present DaEung Jung on Friday, August 23, 2024, as part of our 2024 summer Festival programming. Based in Los Angeles, choreographer/dancer DaEun Jung makes contemporary dance that is informed by ancestral dance practices of Korean classical and folk dance. In her Pillow debut, DaEun will perform NORRI, a group dance project inspired by the principle, form, and mode of Korean folk dance as a communal performance practice. In NORRI, meaning “play” in Korean, classical Korean dance vocabulary—originating from simple steps and gestures—is re-stylized by dancers of different cultural and movement backgrounds. Spontaneous Pansori (traditional Korean folk opera) phrases and continuous pulse of electronic sound guide or challenge dancers’ complex and playful pattern explorations.

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