El Paso, TX
Project Title
Fiscal Year Awarded
Grant or Program
National Theater Project Presentation Grant
Grant Amount

Is anyone out there? Is anyone listening? Are we alone? If we were to send a message into the distant future, what would it be? And how do we imagine the future in which it would be received? Theater Mitu collected answers to these questions through a public telephone hotline and interviews with astronauts, cosmologists, futurists, and children. Using 1977 NASA Voyager’s Golden Record as a structural template, Mitu curated and transposed this archive of voicemails and interviews into a multi-platform project that includes an active telephone hotline, an album of original music, a virtual interactive archive of voice messages, an audiovisual gallery installation, and an intimate, participatory, live performance. UTOPIAN HOTLINE will be presented on the US/Mexico border in San Elizario, Texas from September 22- October 6, 2024 in collaboration with the Rubin Center for the Visual Arts and the Paso del Norte Community Foundation.

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