Discover Monadnock

Keene, NH

Contact Name
Katharine Dean
Project Dates
Spring, 2013
Event, Real Estate, Marketing, Networking, Workforce Development
Discover Monadnock is a collaboration between Arts Alive! and Monadnock Travel Council, to brand the Monadnock Region as a destination for arts and culture, nature, heritage, and spirit. An interactive website will attract visitors to the area by showcasing events, festivals, natural areas, outdoor activities, major venues and unpublicized events, to build on and support what is already a rich and vibrant cultural scene in New Hampshire's Cultural Corner. A platform for cultural events such as the Monadnock International Film Festival, it attracts audience members and helps them fill out their time with itineraries filtered by ability, age, distance, and other criteria; bus tours, and special packages. Collaboration with area businesses is key to its success.
Project Goals
What were the project goals?
To collaborate with area businesses to expand access to arts, culture, nature , and heritage, to increase economic activity and jobs in the area.
Have they changed over time?
Who are the project partners and stakeholders?
Arts Alive!, Monadnock Travel Council, and the local arts, culture, hospitality, and park systems.
Project Specifics
How was the project implemented? What were the steps taken?
Arts Alive met with people from hospitality, tourism, parks, arts organizations, businesses, and individuals to determine what was needed, such as an interactive, informative website, put together advertising in international magazines, and prepare printed materials for travel bureaus and events.
Have they been refined over time?
Yes; some ideas were tabled in favor of getting the website going; the innovations in communication devices during the development time meant changing some presentations and adding others.
What were your major obstacles?
Funding, consensus, convincing non-profit and for-profit groups that they had similar goals, and that the for-profits could lessen competition and achieve more success.
Who or what was instrumental in overcoming these obstacles?
Plenary and task force meetings and lots of talking and networking on related projects
What top three suggestions would you give to others attempting a similar project?
Set achievable goals and start soon; don't plan every aspect at the beginning, because your goals and ideas will change; get as many different walks of life involved as possible, because it will help the conversation
Project Impact
How has this project contributed to creative community building?
Hotels are aware that cultural activities attract customers; photos of people doing things can include many types of industry in one photo; creative activities help businesses to attract and maintain creative employees; arts and culture are more accessible to all populations when combined with other activities that they already enjoy
Why do you consider the project successful, as related to your project goals above?
By putting a majority of the region's events in one accessible place, visitors and residents can see and appreciate the breadth of the offerings, and can be part of increasing audience and appreciation for the offerings of the region.
Were there unexpected impacts?
Not yet

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