New England States Touring (NEST) Grant

Funds nonprofit organizations to present touring artists in venues across New England.

New England States Touring-supported Blues to Green presented Ranky Tanky with Lisa Fischer | photo courtesy of Blues to Green

New England States Touring (NEST) funds performances, readings, and screenings of work by regional, national, and international artists presented by New England-based nonprofit organizations.

Applicants are highly encouraged to contact NEFA staff to confirm that their project fits the program guidelines.

About the New England States Touring Grant Program

There are three distinct grant opportunities for New England nonprofit organizations: NEST 1, NEST 2, and NEST 3. Organizations serving rural communities and/or deeply engaging Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) communities are encouraged to apply. 


Funds the public presentation and engagement of a New England artist presented by a New England nonprofit organization based in a different New England state from the artist’s home state. 

  • There are three application deadlines each year. They are the first business days of August, December, and March. 
  • Organizations may submit a maximum of two NEST 1 and/or NEST 2 applications, in any combination, per deadline 
  • Grants provide up to 60% of the artist fee and range from $500 to a maximum of $5,000. Applications with artist fees under $2,000 may request the full artist fee.  
  • The artist must be listed as NEST-Eligible on the CreativeGround directory. 


Funds the public presentation and community engagement activities of a New England artist presented by two New England nonprofit organizations. Tours must include one presenting organization based inside of the artist’s home state and one other organization from outside of the artist’s home state.  

  • Both presenting organizations must submit their own application and both applications must be submitted at the same deadline. 
  • Organizations may submit a maximum of two NEST 1 and/or NEST 2 applications, in any combination, per deadline 
  • There are three application deadlines each year. They are the first business days of August, December, and March.  
  • Grants provide up to 60% of the artist fee and range from $500 to a maximum of $5,000. Applications with artist fees under $2,000 may request the full artist fee.  
  • The artist must be listed as NEST-Eligible on the CreativeGround directory. 


Funds tours, including public presentation and community engagement activities, of regional, national, or international artists presented by New England nonprofit organizations. Tours must include a minimum of three New England organizations in different communities presenting the same artist. The organizations applying must be from at least two different New England states. 

  • Each organization is responsible for reviewing the program goals and criteria, negotiating the terms of the engagement with the artist, and completing a NEST 3 application.
  • Organizations may submit up to three NEST 3 applications.
  • The annual deadline is the first business day of March.
  • Grants provide up to 60% of the artist fee to a maximum of $10,000. Applications with artist fees under $2,000 may request the full artist fee.
  • New England artists must be listed as NEST-eligible on CreativeGround.
  • For non-New England artists, an artist work sample must be submitted by one of the touring partners.
  • Grant period: Touring projects must occur between June 1, 2024 and August 31, 2025.

New England organizations are highly encouraged to attend NEFA’s annual Idea Swap to learn more about potential NEST 3 tours and identify tour partners.

NEST grants are awarded through a competitive selection process, and the amount of funding awarded is based on the extent to which the project meets the funding criteria.

Visit the New England States Touring Program page to learn more about program goals, advisors, NEFA's annual Idea Swap, and more.



To be eligible for NEST funding, applicants must:

  • Be a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, school, federally recognized Indian tribal government, or unit of state or local government. (Nonprofit organizations do not have to be arts organizations. Organizations that do not have a federal tax identification number may apply if part of an official government agency). Fiscal agents cannot be funded through NEST.
  • Be based in New England (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont).
  • Have a Unique Entity ID in The federal government requires that all NEFA organizational grant recipients supported by federal funds register for a UEI (Unique Entity ID). Getting a UEI is a free process and can be done by visiting Read our blog post with more details.  
  • Provide documentation of their compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA). Please visit our Arts & Accessibility page for details.
  • Maintain an updated profile in the CreativeGround directory for their cultural nonprofit. (For assistance, see the CreativeGround profile tips page, and aim for a profile score of 16.) If the applicant nonprofit is not a cultural or arts-based organization, please contact Falyn Rose Elhard (they/them/theirs) to confirm your organization's qualification for a CreativeGround profile.
  • Present a public presentation of the artist/ensemble named in the application. A public presentation is defined as an event that is open to the public and advertised accordingly. The presentation must feature the artistic work of the named artist/ensemble.
    • A public presentation for literary projects must include a public reading by the NEST-eligible artist.
    • A public presentation for film projects must include a public film screening with the NEST-eligible artist/filmmaker.

NEST will not fund:

  • Activities and programs which take place exclusively in schools during class time.
  • Events that are not open to the public and advertised accordingly.
  • Fundraisers.
  • Events outside of the six New England states.
  • Performances in which the performers are primarily students.
  • Self-produced presentations by artists/ensembles.
  • Producing organizations inviting a guest artist (such as a conductor or soloist) to perform as part of a performance by the producing organization.
  • Presentations of projects with funding available through the National Dance Project or National Theater Project.

Find NEST Artists or Become a NEST Artist on CreativeGround

CreativeGround houses the directory of all New England artists (NEST artists) who may be chosen by NEST applicants for funding. Learn more about NEST artists on the NEST program page.

To find NEST-eligible artists:

  1. Go to and click ‘Search’ at the top of the page.  
  2. Select ‘Special Designations’ and then select ‘NEST-Eligible Artist’ along with any other search criteria that you need, such as state or discipline.

If a presenter is interested in applying for an artist who is not currently NEST-eligible then the artist(s) should follow the instructions under the NEST Artist Requirements. All artists who wish to qualify for NEST funding must maintain an artist profile on CreativeGround.

How to create your NEST-eligible CreativeGround profile

All artists who wish to qualify for NEST funding must maintain an artist profile on CreativeGround. Follow these instructions.

Funding Criteria

NEST grants are awarded through a competitive selection process. Grants are available in amounts of up to 60% of the artists' fees and range from $500 to $10,000. Requests below $500 will not be accepted. Applications with artist fees $2,000 and under may request the full artist fee.  Artists’ fees may include costs for creation of new work, travel, and per diem.

Funding Criteria

The amount of funding awarded is based on the extent to which the project meets the criteria. NEST 3 projects will be assessed on the individual strength of each partner’s application and the collective strength of the tour. The funding criteria are:

NEFA strongly encourages charging admission to performances and events for the following reasons:

  • Admissions are a vital source of income to help pay artist fees and other event expenses.
  • Admissions remind audiences that the work of artists has distinct value and that the professionals involved must make a living from their endeavors in order to continue.
  • Admissions purchased through advance ticket sales help ensure attendance.
  • Admissions purchases provide patron information that can aid in marketing, fundraising, and audience development.

Process & Deadlines


Online applications must be submitted before midnight on the deadline date. 

NEST 1 and 2 applicants will be notified via email 6-8 weeks after the deadline.

NEST 3 applicants will be notified 8-10 weeks after the deadline.

Online reports must be submitted within 40 days from the end of the artist engagement to receive reimbursement. Partial grant payment may be requested in advance to support artist fees paid prior to the performance, screening, or reading. Full instructions are in the Requirements & Reports for Grant Recipients section, found below.

NEFA staff is available for assistance Monday-Friday, 9:00 AM-5:00 PM ET.


NEST 1 & 2 grant deadlines occur three times a year, as follows:

  • First business day of August, for projects beginning on or after November 1.
  • First business day of December, for projects beginning on or after March 1. 
  • First business day of March, for projects beginning on or after June 1.

The annual NEST 3 grant deadline is the first business day of March for projects beginning on or after June 1.

Reductions in Artist Fees

NEST grant amounts are determined based on the proposed artistic fee; therefore, reductions in artist fees may result in the reduction or cancellation of your grant. Grant recipients must notify NEFA of any changes in fees paid to the artist(s) or project plans as soon as possible, preferably in advance of the event. NEFA does not guarantee funding if the project differs substantially from the original application. Requests for changes will be considered on a case-by-case basis, and may change the amount of the grant award.

Requirements & Reports for Grant Recipients

Grant payments will be made upon receipt of the following which must be submitted within 40 days after the funded event. Partial grant payment may be requested in advance to support artist fees paid prior to the performance. Please contact Adrienne Petrillo (she/her/hers) for more details:

  1. A completed online Grantee Report for each grant. Click "Return to your grant request" below to log-in to your portal account to find and submit your online report(s). If you need technical assistance, please email Falyn Rose Elhard (they/them/theirs).
     RETURN TO YOUR GRANT application
  2. A copy of the signed contract or letter of agreement (with printed name and title) between your organization and the artist(s) presented. 
  3. Copies of letters of appreciation sent to your federal and/or state legislators. This is to inform them about the purpose of this award and the impact it will have on your organization’s activities and service to the community. 
  4. Copies of program and publicity materials showing acknowledgement of NEFA’s funding. See NEFA logo and crediting information for details.

Failure to provide this material within 40 days of the event may result in cancellation of the grant and all pending NEFA grants. If the performance date is changed or cancelled, or if you anticipate a delay in submission of materials, please contact Falyn Rose Elhard


NEST At-A-Glance

ApplicantNew England-based nonprofit organization* New England-based nonprofit organization* New England-based nonprofit organization* 
ArtistNew England artists New England artistsNew England, national, or international artists 
Number of Organizations Who Apply1: the applicant and the artist are from different states2: One from the same state as the artist, one from a different state than the artist 3: Minimum of three presenting organizations from two different states 
Amount Can be Requested60% of the artist fee, 100% of artist fees $2,000 and under60% of the artist fee, 100% of artist fees $2,000 and under60% of the artist fee, 100% of artist fees $2,000 and under 
Max Grant Amount$5,000$5,000$10,000
Max Number of Applications an Organization can Submit Two NEST 1 and/or NEST 2 applications, in any combination, per deadlineTwo NEST 1 and/or NEST 2 applications, in any combination, per deadline3
DeadlinesMarch 1, August 1, December 1March 1, August 1, December 1March 1

*see full eligibility requirements


Interested in applying for New England States Touring (NEST)? Watch this NEST webinar (or read the transcript) before starting your application. 

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