National Dance Project Grant Help


Requirements for Reimbursement (DETAILS)

Because we report to several funders, including both state and federal agencies, we are obligated to keep carefully documented records. We, in turn, require the grantee to fulfill certain requirements before we are able to make payment on the grant. You must comply with the following in order to receive your grant award: 

  1. You must acknowledge support from the New England Foundation for the Arts and additional sponsors on all program and publicity materials. Please provide a copy of these materials to NEFA showing the required acknowledgment of the funding support as described in the grant award letter. Please highlight the credit line on these materials. 
  2. You must submit one completed Evaluation Form for each grant, which includes several narrative questions and a final accounting section for expenditures associated with the presentation and/or residency. Do not combine figures for more than one grant on a single form. For series/festivals or collaborations, please approximate proportions of audience figures, expenses, etc. for each event for which NEFA funding directly applies. Please note that guidance on how to properly fill out your evaluation form is contained in the help buttons on the online grant evaluation form. Following these instructions will prevent NEFA from having to contact you for corrections, which could delay the payment of your grant. 
  3. NEFA must be notified of any changes in fee paid to the artist(s) as far in advance of the event as possible. Your grant award is calculated as a percentage of that artistic fee. It should not be considered a one-to-one "matching grant." If the fee is reduced, you must provide an explanation in writing. Reduction in the artist fee may result in the reduction or cancellation of your grant award. Artistic fees do not include in-kind contributions. 
  4. You must submit a completed Receipt Form acknowledging your payment of the artist(s). The receipt form must be signed by an authorized representative of the artist(s) and by an authorized representative of your organization. Please note that the receipt form has 3 separate lines for the artist(s) to review and sign; the artistic fee paid in cash, the cost of housing provided, and the cost of transporting the artist(s) to and from the engagement. An artistic fee may be inclusive of these costs, however if housing and transportation is negotiated, outlined in the contract, and paid for directly by the presenter, the costs must be listed in separate spaces on the receipt form. If separated on the form, the three amounts combined MUST match the total artistic fee as it appears on your Application Form, contract with the artist(s), and the Evaluation Form (Page 6, Line 1). Please also note that check copies are not acceptable as proof of payment. Receipts must be available upon request for any cost incurred by the organization for housing or transportation above and beyond the artistic fee.
Please note that you must complete the appropriate grant evaluation form and email, fax, or mail supporting material within the time frame listed on your award letter or risk forfeiture of the grant and all pending NEFA grants. If you anticipate a delay in forwarding completed report forms and materials within this time period, please contact Cheri Opperman at 617.951.0010 x524 ( Should any changes in the project, fees or budget occur, NEFA must be notified in writing. In the event of performance or program cancellation, the grant award will be withdrawn.    NEFA encourages you to send photos of funded performances, events, and outreach as these help us in building the case for continued funding. NEFA reserves the right to use these images in promotional materials and documents. Photos should be high quality, hi-res (300 dpi) digital images with photographer credits and year. Mail a CD or email as attachments to Cheri Opperman at

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