
Our work is generously supported by the following funders.

Photo: Creative City grantee Yara Liceaga and guests, by Luis Cotto

Since June 2024, NEFA has been generously supported by the following:

$2,000,000 +
Barr Foundation*
Doris Duke Foundation*
Mellon Foundation*
U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs*
The Wallace Foundation*
$1,000,000 +
National Endowment for the Arts
$100,000 +
$50,000 +
Massachusetts Cultural Council
$25,000 +
Aliad Fund at The Boston Foundation
$10,000 +
Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development
John and Mary-Beth Henry
Maine Arts Commission
New Hampshire State Council on the Arts
Rhode Island State Council on the Arts
Vermont Arts Council
$5,000 +
Erinn King
David Snyder
Mary and Ted Wendell 
$2,500 +
The James E. Robison Foundation
$1,000 +
Dr. Kamesh Ramakrishna Aiyer and Ms. Geeta Bhide Aiyer
Cozen O'Connor
Amy and Lee Ellsworth
Kate Flather
Robert and Kristine Higgins
Income Research + Management
Liana Krupp
Steps and Stages Coaching, Facilitation, and Consulting
Westminster Barrington Foundation
$500 +
Adobe Systems Inc.
Jane Arabian
Margaret Byer and Alesdair Ittelson
Amy Cassello
Pamela Diamantis**
Chris Dwyer**
Marc Harpin and Garo Toomajanian
Marcie Hershman**
Michael Jordan
New England Arts Presenters
Chip Newell
Laura Paul and Paul Messier**
Steward Cultural Development Group
Trillium Asset Management
Deirdre Valente**
Zevin Asset Management

Cathy Baird**
Joan Brodsky
Michael and Kimberly Cayer
Joyce Collier and Jennifer Potter**
Donald Cornuet and Stephen Weiner
Cathy Edwards and Mike Wishnie**
Patricia Fontaine
Dawn Gibson-Brehon
Jane James**
Angie Lane
Michele Long and Margaret Keenan**
Frank Mitchell
Keith and Elizabeth Morgan
Merry Morse and Janet Hood**
Max Nibert
Cheri Opperman and Maure Aronson**
Jane Preston and Michael Muller**
Larry Rosenberg
Linda Shelton**
Carol Zell


Up to $249
Tony and Dolores Abbott
Aldrin Agas & Celia Ho
Barbara Schaffer Bacon**
Bergmeyer Associates
Samuel Blumenstiel
Elizabeth Bouchard and Eric Hofbauer
Bill Botzow**
Roger and Carol Brooks
Lisa Crowley
Leonard P. Davis Sr.
Carolyn Deuel
David Fanger & Martin Wechsler**
Ellie Feeley
Kate Flather
Rick Hanauer and Mary Wells
Jean Hey and Shelley Brauer**
Cheryl Ikemiya**
James Isaacson
Stacy Klein and Carlos Uriona**
Laura Klippert
Milton Kornfeld**
Mary McLaughlan
Susan McClure
The McMahon Family
Karole Mendelsohn
Scot Miller
Jay and Dawn Millstone
Carlos Montano and Jennifer Bacevich
Drs. Olivia Moorehead-Slaughter and Dennis L. Slaughter
Paige Nunes
Jacob Padrón
Max Ponticelli
Carol L Potter
Michael Reed**
Elizabeth Corpt. Michael Reison
Melissa Richmond
Gloria Riley
Elizabeth Shapiro
Adele Sicilia
Joseph Silvi
Nicholas MI Slie
Quita and Mark Sullivan**
Pamela Tatge & Jerry Zinser**
Sharon and Chris Timmel
Amy and Joe Versaggi
Mai-Anh Vu and Brinia Colbert
Carrie Zaslow
Gifts In Kind
* represents full amount of multi-year grant(s)
** includes a donation to the Rebecca Blunk Fund

From June 2023 through May 2024, NEFA was generously supported by the following:

$2,000,000 +
Barr Foundation*
Doris Duke Foundation*
Mellon Foundation*
U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs*
The Wallace Foundation*
$1,000,000 +
National Endowment for the Arts
$50,000 +
Massachusetts Cultural Council
$25,000 +
Aliad Fund at The Boston Foundation
The Henry Luce Foundation
$10,000 +
Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development
Eastern Bank Foundation
John and Mary-Beth Henry
Maine Arts Commission
New Hampshire State Council on the Arts
Rhode Island State Council on the Arts
Vermont Arts Council
Mary and Ted Wendell
$5,000 +
Alan and Saralynn Allaire
Amy and Lee Ellsworth
Iván Espinoza-Madrigal
Erinn King
Stetson Marshall
David Snyder
$2,500 +
Anonymous, Vermont Community Foundation**
Marcie Hershman**
The James E. Robinson Foundation
The Michael and Janet Rogers Foundation
$1,000 +
Dr. Kamesh Ramakrishna Aiyer and Ms. Geeta Bhide Aiyer
Flather Family Fund
Income Research + Management
Liana Krupp
Alyce Lee
Monica A. McCarthy
The Sholley Foundation
Larry Simpson
Harold Steward
Trillium Asset Management
Zevin Asset Management
$500 +
Adobe Systems Inc.
Michael Bobbitt
Sandra Burton**
Change For Good Coaching and Consulting
Katherine Cornelius
Scott M Delcomyn
Pamela Diamantis**
Chris Dwyer
Cathy Edwards and Michael Wishnie**
Charlie Fenton
Kate Flather
Dawn Gibson-Brehon
Marc Harpin and Garo Toomajanian
Min Jung Kim
Jeremy and Margie Klein Ronkin in memory of Harriet Bograd
Michael Jordan
Michele Long & Margaret Keenan**
Marcum LLP
Frank Mitchell
Chip Newell and Susan Kohler Gray
Jane Preston and Michael Muller**
Pamela Tatge and Jerry Zinser**
Deirdre Valente, LBMI in memory of Lisa Booth**
Samuel Blumenstiel
Joan and Howard Brodsky
Dr. Roger and Carol Brooks
Michael and Kimberly Cayer
Joyce Collier and Jenny Potter**
Stephen Duprey
Todd Gordon and Susan Feder
Rick Hanauer
David & Charisse Howse
Mary Kelley
Angie Lane
Sarah McNair and Randal Fippinger
Timothy and Virginia Millhiser
Ken Mitchell and Lee Ellenberg**
Keith and Elizabeth Morgan
Cheri Opperman and Maure Aronson**
Larry Rosenberg
Stephen M. Weiner and Donald G. Cornuet
Bill Whelan and Megan Gates
Sabrina and Robert Williams

Up to $249
Beatriz Abascal
Magdalena Abrego
Jan Aceti and Kris Peterson**
Aldrin Agas
Stephanie Ancona and Neal Chalek**
Bill and Ruth Botzow**
Elizabeth Bouchard and Eric Hofbauer**
Christal Brown
Lee Caplan
Brooke B. Collison**
Lisa Crowley
Carolyn Deuel
Charan Devereaux and Andrew Ott
Jason DeYoung
Natalie English
Lily Euceda
David Fanger & Martin Wechsler**
Eleanor Fraser
Ralph Freidin**
Rebecca Ginsburg
Anna Harris
Anne Hernandez
Jean Hey & Shelley Brauer**
Jennifer Hogan
Cheryl Ikemiya**
Stacy Klein and Carlos Uriona**
Sarah Long Holland and Jonathan Holland**
Mai-Anh Vu and Brinia Colbert
Susan Evans McClure
Lynne McCormack
Karole Mendelsohn
Dr. Olivia Moorehead-Slaughter
F. Javier Murcio
Max Nibert
Carol & Jim O'Neill
Dane Ouellette
Tony Pietricola
Eileen Pollack**
Melissa Richmond
Robert A. Richter
Emily Ruddock
Ámbar Ruiz
Nancy Salmon
Steve Scher
Elizabeth G Shapiro
Adele Sicilia
Sarah and Jonathan Silva
Bill Siroty and Bill Stelling
David Slatery
Judith Souweine
Elaine Sullivan
Quita and Mark Sullivan**
Sharon and Chris Timmel
Tufts Jumbo Volleyball
Carrie Zaslow


Gifts In Kind
Alyce Lee
Patrick Church Studio
* represents full amount of multi-year grant(s)
** includes a donation to the Rebecca Blunk Fund

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