Navigating NEFA's New Online Grants System

Steven smiles in a purple button down
Former Program Coordinator, NDP

We are excited to announce that our transition to a new online grants system is complete!
Below are a few tips to help you navigate the new system.

Starting a new funding request:

To open a new NEFA funding request (application):

  1. Go to NEFA’s Grants & Programs page and choose the grant for which you wish to apply.
  2. On the grant page:
    1. Read all program eligibility and criteria.
    2. Click on the gray GRANT REQUESTS & INSTRUCTIONS header.
    3. Read all instructions and click the turquoise START A NEW GRANT REQUEST button.  
  3. After logging in (see instructions below), fill in the Project Name and click the green “Save” button. After the initial save, you may log out and return to edit the form any time before the deadline date (see instructions for returning to a form below).

Logging In:

Grantees with pending grantee reports as of 1/1/2013 should have received an email with log in information. (If you have a pending report and did not receive an email, please contact the appropriate NEFA staff.)

All other applicants will need to register for a new account. After clicking on the turquoise START A NEW GRANT REQUEST button, click the green “Register” button to create a new account. A few tips:

  • Usernames must be emails. All NEFA-related communications will be sent to this email address. 
  • User accounts should be for a single user. If multiple people at your organization will need access to a request or report, contact NEFA staff after starting your request.
  • Agents applying on behalf of artists or companies should register with their organization’s information, not the artist’s information. There is a separate space on the request form for artist contact information.
  • To open a new request after registering, click the “Logout” link in the upper right-hand corner and follow the instructions above for starting a new funding request.


All open and submitted forms will appear on the Open Items tab of your account homepage (My Submissions page).

  • To edit your profile, change your password, or edit your NEFA mailing list preferences, click on the “Profile” link in the upper right-hand corner.
  • To return to your open forms, click on the “My Submissions” link in the upper right-hand corner.
  • To edit a form, click the Edit icon on the right side of the Open Items table on your My Submissions page.
  • To view previously submitted forms, click the View icon  on the right side of the Open Items table on your My Submissions page.

Returning to a form:

To return to an in progress request OR a grantee report:

  1. Go to NEFA’s Grants & Programs page and click on the turquoise RETURN TO YOUR GRANT FORM button.
  2. After logging in, your grant form(s) should appear in the table under the Open Items tab with an “In Progress” status.
  3. Click the Edit icon on the right side of the table to edit the form.

Grantee Reports:

NEFA grantee reports (evaluation forms) will appear in the table on the Open Items tab of the applicant’s My Submissions page shortly after grant awards are announced. Grantees should review and follow all reporting requirements and instructions listed on the NEFA program page for which they were awarded and submit reports by the deadline on the report form. To give another person in your organization access to a report, please contact the appropriate NEFA staff.

General Tips:

  • Read all Instructions and directions on each tab.
  • Save often. Click the green “Save” button often to prevent the loss of any of your responses.
  • Click the green “Edit” button to return to editing after saving.
  • Use the green “Continue” button to move between tabs.
  • Budget totals sum after saving. After filling in budget fields, users must click the green “Save” button to display budget totals.
  • Be sure to check for required fields on all tabs before submitting. Required fields on the first tab are marked by red in the edit mode. Required items on other tabs—including work sample information and supplemental materials—are noted in the tab’s instructions.
  • Submit. Be sure to click the green submit button before the form deadline date has passed.

If you have any additional questions, please contact the appropriate NEFA staff.

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