NTP Creation and Touring Application Questions

In addition to the narrative questions below, the 2023 NTP Creation and Touring Preliminary application will require details on the applicant, the project (dates and details of development and touring), the producing/development partner, and a video work sample.

  1. Please describe the proposed new work. (2,500 characters) 
  2. Describe your devising/development process and how this project meets the NTP definitions of devised and ensemble theater. (1,500 characters) 
  3. Please describe what excellence means for this project, as defined by your artistic practice. What is your overall desired impact for the project? Please provide any other information you think would be important for the Advisors to have to fairly assess your application. (1,500 characters) 
  4. Beyond the collaborators and creative team, how does this project contribute to the cultural, aesthetic, and form diversities of today's theater? In other words: why this project; why this ensemble; and why now? (For NEFA's value statement around Equity, Diversity, Intersectionality, and Accessibility click here.) (1,500 characters)
  5. List key benchmarks in development and estimated schedule of completion. (1,500 characters) 
  6. Briefly describe your relationship with the listed development partner(s) and how they will contribute to the success of the project through development, performance, engagement, promotion, and/or touring (as defined in the NTP criteria). (1,500 characters) 
  7. Describe the communities and audiences this project is being made with and for, and how you envision connecting with them. (1,500 characters)​

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