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New England Foundation for the Arts | 145 Tremont Street, 8th floor | Boston, 02111 | Directions & Parking
This free workshop will be led by Hannah Cole, visual artist and tax agent for Sunlight Tax, and is open to NEST-eligible artists and Creative City grantees.
Register by Friday, April 14, 2017
Light refreshments will be provided; participants are welcome to bring their own dinner.
Registration is required. Registered guests will need to either display a confirmation message or show photo ID to enter the building.
Deidra Montgomery
Program Coordinator, Creative City
617.951.0010 x532
The event meeting space is accessible for individuals using wheelchairs. Please contact Daniela Jacobson Plotkin (617.951.0010 x528) by April 5, if other accommodations are required.
Receive the latest news, grant offerings, and community events.