Idea Swap: More Ways to Connect Before, During & After

The registrations are in, the event is sold out, and we are excited to share these additional ways to engage with your colleagues before, during, and after the Idea Swap!

1. New England Presenters & Arts Presenters of Northern New England to host joint meeting the evening before Idea Swap

Wednesday, November 1 | 5:30pm - 7:30pm
Bocado Tapas Wine Bar| 82 Winter Street, Worcester, MA 01604

Presenters and artists are invited to join NEP and APNNE for a joint meeting that will include opportunities for networking as well as focused break-out conversations on building relationships between regional artists and presenters, the future of NEP and APNNE, and what to expect for those attending Idea Swap the next day for the first time. Light bites will be provided. Cash bar.

This program is open to NEP/APNNE Members as well as those attending NEFA's Idea Swap. To RSVP, email no later than Monday, 10.30.

2. Taking the train from Boston?

Join Karen and Nicole from Monkeyhouse bright and early Thursday morning to explore the #choreographyofthecommute from Boston to Worcester: "We will meet anyone who wants in on the adventure at South Station then board the 7:20am train.  This is a great opportunity to meet other Idea Swap participants so you'll already have a leg up when the networking begins.  Also, there will be donuts...So grab your train ticket, a cup of coffee and meet us under the big sign starting at 7am!  (You wont be able to miss us, promise!  We'll be the ladies with the donuts.)  Not getting on at South Station?  We will sit as far back in the train as seating allows so you can find us when you board. Want company commuting back at the end of the day, or just looking to keep the conversation going?  We'll be heading to Armsby Abbey when the dessert and networking reception ends at 4pm to grab a snack and a drink before getting on the 5:20pm train back to the city.  Join us!"

3. Keep in touch on social media: 

Follow #NEFAIdeaSwap and @M0nkeyhouse on Twitter throughout the day to share your ideas, conversation, and take-aways on social media! The Monkeyhouse team will be #makingintroductions with participant interviews, posting #lunchtimechats on lunch table topics, and exploring #nowwhat – advice and ideas for what happens after we leave the Idea Swap.