Public Art Learning Fund Preview of Grantee Report Questions

In addition to the grantee report question below, grantees are required to provide an update on the budget and expenses. To view the full grantee report, grantees may log back into the NEFA grant portal. Grantee reports should be accessible from the dashboard shortly after receiving the award.


  1. What did you learn from this professional development opportunity? Please share a couple of key takeaways from this experience and how you will apply these learnings to your public art practice. Did this opportunity meet your learning goals? Please explain. (4,000 character limit)
  2. How has this opportunity expanded your understanding of and/or abilities to contribute to more equitable, inclusive and vibrant public spaces and public life throughout New England? (2,000 character limit)
  3. Would you recommend this particular learning activity (training, workshop etc. that you completed) to other artists? Why or why not? (1,500 character limit)
  4. In an effort to improve the administration of this grant and our service to you, we encourage your comments and suggestions regarding NEFA and our grant process. (5,000 character limit)

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