Reuben Roqueñi (Yaqui/Mayo/Chicanx)

A man with short gray hair and dark framed glasses wearing a dark button down shirt

Reuben Roqueñi (Yaqui/Mayo/Chicanx)

Director of National Artist Fellowships
Native Arts and Cultures Foundation
Portland, OR


Reuben is a nationally respected arts administrator with over 15 years in progressive program development, management, artist-centric support systems and grantmaking experience. He is currently Director of National Artists Fellowships at Native Arts and Cultures Foundation, serving Native American, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian artists, organizations, and programs across the US. Previously, Reuben was Program Officer in the Performing Arts Program at the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation in the San Francisco Bay Area, one the nation’s largest arts and culture funders. Formerly, Reuben served as Grants Program Director at the Arts Foundation for Tucson and Southern Arizona. Reuben is Board President at MAP Fund in NYC. He is currently a member of the advisory committees for Individual Artists Support at Grantmakers in the Arts, Global First Nations Performance Network, and Advancing Indigenous Performance at Western Arts Alliance; and he is a former a board member at Portland Institute of Contemporary Art (PICA). Reuben is of mixed Yaqui/Mayo/Chicanx ancestry and is currently living in Portland, Oregon.

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