In green lights, a man speaks and holds his hand up with his thumb to his pointer finger.

New England States Touring (NEST)-supported Bates College presents Miguel Gutierrez | photo by Trisha French

Supporting a thriving, creative future

NEFA invests in artists and communities and fosters equitable access to the arts, enriching the cultural landscape in New England and the nation.

Grantmaking for art making. What will you create?

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Upcoming Grant Application Deadlines

NEFA offers grants to artists and organizations to support the creation and presentation of work. These are the grants with upcoming deadlines.

NEST 1 and 2: August 1, 2024
Funds nonprofit organizations to present touring artists in venues across New England.
September 2, 2024
Designed for emerging and mid-career artists around the entire country, Jazz Road Tours support small, three- to six-site tours at an array of venue types, often in rural communities and other areas traditionally underserved by the genre.
September 13, 2024
The New England Dance Fund awards grants to New England-based choreographers of all genres and backgrounds who identify an opportunity that will advance their careers in dance.
September 16, 2024
The Public Art Learning Fund aims to strengthen the field of public art in New England by providing professional development support directly to artists.
October 21, 2024
Strengthens collaborations to collectively imagine creative, impactful, accountable public artmaking in Massachusetts.

What's happening

Professional Development
Here are opportunities for this month; check them out and pass them along to your colleagues. Email us if you know of any professional development opportunities, calls to artists, or cultural events that we should consider. The format for these listings is: " deadline/date of event | location of
Professional Development
Here are opportunities for this month; check them out and pass them along to your colleagues. Email us if you know of any professional development opportunities, calls to artists, or cultural events that we should consider. The format for these listings is: " deadline/date of event | location of
(Boston, MA) The New England Foundation for the Arts (NEFA) announces the 12 recipients of the National Theater Project Creation and Touring awards as well as the 12 recipients of Artist Development awards, totaling nearly $1.3 million in support to the field. The National Theater Project (NTP)
Creative Economy
At the end of 2023, NEFA’s creative economy team reached out to folx in the New England creative community to share their top needs within the realms of visibility, connection, and knowledge building. We also asked specific questions about how connection could be increased and a region-wide network

Fostering regional, national, and international connections


CreativeGround spotlights the creative people and places at work in New England: cultural nonprofits like libraries and theaters, creative businesses like recording studios and design agencies, and artists of all disciplines such as performing arts, visual arts, and crafts.

Center Stage

Center Stage is among the most successful programs to bring contemporary international performing artists into direct contact with people across a wide range of U.S. communities, and to share these experiences globally.

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