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18 result(s) matching the filter criteria

Investing in organizations to increase arts participation for underserved groups/communities
Statement of Interest: January 19, 2024
Strengthens collaborations to collectively imagine creative, impactful, accountable public artmaking in Massachusetts.
Supporting arts organizations of color as they sustain and expand their practices, providing incredible arts and cultural experiences for larger, cross-cultural audiences.
Jazz Road is an artist-centric touring and residency grants program promoting deeper engagement between jazz musicians, presenters, and communities. Jazz Road is led by South Arts, one of NEFA's Regional Arts Organization colleagues.
April 2, 2025
Presentation Grants are made to eligible organizations to support up to 50% of the artist fee and travel expenses per engagement of NDP awarded projects on tour.
By invitation only: Rolling Deadline
NDP Production Grants fund the creation and U.S. touring of 20 new dance projects annually.
Full Proposal by invitation: June 16, 2025
National Dance Project Travel Fund provides monetary assistance for U.S. based presenters, curatorial staff, and residency directors or for current NDP artist grantees to connect in person to explore feasibility of presenting NDP-funded projects.
Rolling Deadline
Provides funds for creation and U.S. touring of artist-led, ensemble, devised projects. These grants are highly competitive and are awarded to ten projects annually.
Final Proposal, by invitation: February 24
Presentation Grants are made to invited U.S. presenters and support up to 50% of the artistic fee for NTP projects.
By Invitation Only: Rolling Deadline
Grants provide monetary assistance for travel to promote the touring of NTP funded projects.
Not currently accepting applications
Transition Grants are awarded to NTP Creation & Touring Grant recipients to support continuity for ensembles following the completion of touring.
For select NTP Production grantees by invitation only
The New England Dance Fund awards grants to New England-based choreographers of all genres and backgrounds who identify an opportunity that will advance their careers in dance.
Presenter Travel Fund enhances the performing arts in the region by supporting travel costs associated with researching artistic work that may eventually be presented in New England.
Rolling Deadline
Funds nonprofit organizations to present touring artists in venues across New England.
August 1, 2025
Supports public art that creatively expresses and embodies a more just version of what’s possible in public.
The Public Art Learning Fund aims to strengthen the field of public art in New England by providing professional development support directly to artists.
April 14, 2025
The Rebecca Blunk Fund was established in memory of Rebecca Blunk (1953-2014), celebrating her 29 years of service to NEFA and her abiding passion for the arts.
By nomination only
Walking Together: Investing in Folklife in Communities of Color supports folklife and traditional arts rooted in communities by investing in artists/practitioners and the community organizations that
March 19, 2025

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