Transition Grants are awarded to NTP Creation & Touring Grant recipients to support continuity for ensembles following the completion of touring.
Visit the National Theater Project Program page to learn more about the program and its advisors.
The creation of the Transition grants was prompted by a series of observations and goals, during evaluation of the NTP Pilot. Most importantly:
- In a relatively short time, some grantees have been able to develop new ways of working that hold potential for stabilizing ensembles but may not have had enough time within the NTP grant to develop the resources and mechanisms to sustain the new capacities.
- Ensembles that were new to touring with the NTP grant, may need more support to work touring into the regular rhythm of their work or an opportunity to weigh the place of touring in their future work.
- As part of the NTP process and especially through touring, grantees have been introduced to a number of resources and contacts, including Advisors and presenters. Once touring has concluded, they may be in an ideal position to take advantage of networking with those contacts.
- As a result of the publicity generated through touring, ensembles may become aware or be in the position to take advantage of opportunities related to the work that was toured.
- Included in the pilot evaluation findings was the need for additional capacity-building support for organizations to take advantage of the experiences gained during the NTP Creation and Development grant period.
Transition grants will provide post-touring support beyond NTP-subsidized touring. The purpose is to provide continuity in an ensemble’s management and infrastructure and/or allow a grantee to take advantage of an opportunity for the NTP Creation + Touring Grant funded project, and/or to support the archiving or futhered touring of said NTP funded work. . Transition grants will be up to $15,000 with typical grants in the $7,000-$10,000 range. While there is no specific time limit for expenditure of funds, final reports will be due Friday, May 1, 2026 and priority will be given to proposals for projects to be completed within 18 months from submission deadline.
Examples of potential Transition grant objectives include (but are not limited to):
- Continue an administrative role (e.g., producer, tour manager) that has added value to the operations of the ensemble.
- Network with contacts developed through the grant period for development of future tours.
- Participate in professional development/consulting to help sustain capacity of the ensemble.
- Undertake planning to strengthen or formalize the governance and/or structure of the ensemble.
- Undertake planning which might include restructuring, strategic planning for incorporating future touring into work portfolio.
- Leverage peer support and/or technical assistance from other sources to strengthen the ensemble’s work.
- Re-tool the work that was toured to position the ensemble for additional touring of the work to different venues and to reach new audiences—applicable under circumstances where additional work is needed if the work is to continue to tour/in order to keep the work in the group’s repertoire.
- Complete short online grant application which addresses selection criteria
- Attach a letter of commitment, if appropriate
- Selection criteria:
- clear and well-articulated organizational need and/or organizational opportunity
- specific plan for addressing need/opportunity within +/- 18 months from submission deadline
- potential of plan to address need in a way that contributes to sustainability
- budget that is well-aligned to plan activities
- Unallowable expenses: facility rehabilitation/expenses; subsidy of performance fee; capital/endowment/cash reserves
- Award will be made in two payments. The first payment will be 75% of the amount at the time of the award. Completion of a final report will be required to receive final payment.
- April 4, 2025: RFP and link e-mailed to invited artists
- May 5, 2025: Proposals due 11:59PM Eastern Time
- May 2025: NTP team reviews proposals
- June 2025: Awards made
Application is by invitation only.
All organizations are required to provide an IRS W-9 Form (see for current version) and a DUNS (Dun & Bradstreet) Number in the application.
The grant recipient must submit the grant report by the deadline assigned in order to receive the final grant award.
Click below to LOG IN and START your grant report. You may save and return at any time.