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Organization Information
Please provide information for the organization that is the sponsor or lead partner for the creative economy project described in the Project Information section below.
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Project Information
Please share the story of the creative economy project that was sponsored or led by the organization above. Creative economy projects are initiatives that leverage local creativity and cross-sector partnerships to address social, economic, and cultural issues in communities. (Remember to focus on the strategies and steps of a single creative economy project, not the work of an entire organization.)
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Please share a photo of the project–try to avoid logos.
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This is used exclusively for sorting purposes on the Initiatives landing page. It does not display anywhere. Initiatives are sorted first by this year and then within each year those selected to present at a workshop are listed first. After the workshop presenters, the initiatives are just alphabetized by initiative title.
This checkbox controls the orange label below the image that reads "NEFA AWARD RECIPIENT".
CCX Workshop Handout
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